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“The Verification Process for Compliant COTS IP”

Explains the two levels of verification involved in using compliant IP cores, with the IP provider testing the IP function (at the whitebox level) and the IP integrator verifying the IP function in the AEH context (at the blackbox level).

“Estimating the Effort and Cost of a DO-178C Program”

Examines the factors that influence the cost of a DO-178C program. It is recommended for program and project managers looking to cost or bid new DO-178C programs.

“The Evolving Nature of DO-254”

Provides an overview of the evolution of DO-254, and then discusses some of the interesting and pertinent topics of latest concern.

“Developing a DO-254 Compliant MicroBlaze-Based System-on-Chip”

Looks at an efficient, practical, and DO-254 compliant approach to developing a System on Chip (SoC) FPGA using a Xilinx MicroBlaze soft processor as the heart of the system.

“In-House or Outsource – What’s the Right Choice for DO-254 Projects?”

Examines the considerations of whether it is more cost effective to perform DO-254 development in-house or to outsource the work. It also provides additional factors to weigh when choosing an outsourcing firm.

“DO-254 Basics”

Answers all the basic questions regarding DO-254 compliance, in laymen’s terms, for anyone in management or on an engineering team who is facing the prospect of DO-254 compliance for the first time.

“Estimating the Effort and Cost of a DO-254 Program”

Examines the factors that influence the cost of a DO-254 program. It is recommended for program and project managers looking to cost or bid new DO-254 programs.

“Assuring Compliant and Cost-Effective Use of IP in DO-254 Designs”

Examines the challenge – and necessity – of using IP in today’s airborne electronic hardware, and presents an uncompromised solution for both design productivity and design assurance. This paper is recommended for both the DO-254 applicant using or considering the use of IP in their design as well as the certification authorities who are auditing these programs.